God designed humans to flourish in community, and part of God's Kingdom work is creating this new-creation reality in His Church. But... finding people to do life with can be incredibly hard! In a culture focused on the individual... people who look, think, and feel the same as I do... and the growing challenge of interacting beyond digital means, embracing a narrative of togetherness can be tough. However, Scripture shows that doing life with others in community is essential to thriving in our journey of following Jesus. It helps us fully immerse ourselves in becoming more like Jesus and actively engage in God's work of renewing all things. So we truly want to help you in your journey to finding a place to belong!

finding a

On the map to the right, you can see all our groups and learn more about them.

Once you identify a group that interests you, tap the CONNECT ME TO A GROUP button.

After providing a few contact details and letting us know which groups you'd like to hear from, we'll have a group leader connect with you so you can ask questions, learn more, and find a good group to visit.

If you have any questions or want to discuss finding a community, tap the CONTACT US button at the bottom of this page.

Have Questions?

If you have questions, want to talk something through about you and communities, or want to find out more about communities at A Jesus Church, we’d love to chat with you.